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Wings Wellness Hub

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Wings Wellness Hub Schedule


Weekly Schedule




10.30 - 11.30          Chair and Wall Pilates


Very suitable for beginners, and those recouperating from an injury or operation




18.30 - 19.30          Chair and Wall Pilates


These classes are small 3/4 participants

Tailored to the needs of the class

Lots of individual attention.


Book one month at a time.  £15 a class

Message me for any more information



Weekend Workshops


My Rest and restore sessions link with the 

Chinese Five Elements - Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal. 

It is a 2 1/2 hr session. Comprising; Yin infused movement, guided mediation, relaxation and sound bath  (£45) - Including ceremonial cacao, crystals and a herbal tea or hot spiced drink


Future sessions: 

Wood - 22nd and 23rd (am only) March

Fire - 28th and 29th (am only) June

Earth - 20th and 21st (am only) Sept

Metal - 15th and 16th (am only) Nov


10.30am - 12.30pm and 2.30pm - 4.30pm



Use the contact page if you would like to book or find out anymore information


Aromatherapy workshops




Full Moon Workshops



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